Coaching Corner

Highlights of CVSA Workshop

by Mike Hitchcock, ICSA Safety Director

Mike Hitchcock

I had the pleasure of representing ICSA at the annual Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) workshop in Bellevue, WA last week. ICSA was the sponsor of a special information session for motor carriers on implementing fatigue management programs. I attended several information sessions and committee meetings, but to me the most impactful session I attended was a preview of the FMCSA Digital Inspections Program soon to be launched. 

This digital approach to inspections is very impressive, not only allowing the inspector to work an inspection from a tablet, laptop or iPhone simultaneously, but being able to access data in real time from prior inspections, driver data and MVRs, motor carrier information and other related safety information. This approach means inspectors will be able to process inspections much faster and more completely, and more importantly, they will be able to conduct more inspections at roadside and not in weigh stations or inspection facilities. 

What it means to ICSA members is that you must step up your efforts to ensure every vehicle and driver you dispatch is operating safely at all times. This starts with establishing a culture of safety within your organization – a culture that starts at the top and has the support of every employee, not just drivers. 

ICSA will soon release the components of two important safety tools: a model safety plan that any individual or company can adapt to fit their needs; and First Gear, an exceptional online driver training curriculum that can be accessed from anywhere, any time. Be watching for a special announcement of these new services, made available to ICSA members at no additional cost.

Lastly, CVSA convinced me that ICSA members, indeed all carriers, need to be ready for more Level 3 inspections. At a minimum, Level 3 Inspections must include, where required and/or applicable: examination of the driver’s license, Medical Examiner’s Certificate and Skill Performance Evaluation (SPE) Certificate; driver’s record of duty status; hours of service status; seat belt usage; driver vehicle inspection report(s); and carrier identification and status.