Michigan is the Safest State for Truckers

According to a new study conducted by transportation services company Simplex, Michigan highways are the safest in the nation for truck drivers. Using 2022 data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the study reviewed the percentage of large trucks involved in fatal crashes last year compared to all fatal vehicle crashes per state to rank states according to the percentage of truck-involved incidents to total vehicle crashes. Michigan was ranked first, with just 4.72% of its fatal crashes involving large trucks. Wyoming was ranked as the least-safe state, with nearly 19% of total crashes involving large trucks.

The study ranked Vermont as the second safest state for truck drivers with just 5% of fatal crashes involving large trucks, followed by Hawaii (5.26%); Delaware (5.56%); and Massachusetts (5.74%).

Following closely behind Wyoming was Idaho, which was just slightly safer for trucks with16.33% of all fatal crashes involving trucks. Nebraska is the third least-safe state for truck drivers, with a 15.92% truck-involved fatal crash rate. Iowa is the fourth most dangerous state for truck drivers, with 14.35% of fatal vehicle crashes involving a truck. Fifth was North Dakota, with 13.24% of fatal vehicle crashes involving a large truck.

A spokesperson from Simplex commented: “This research offers an interesting insight into which states are nearing the goal of making roads safer for truck drivers. It also highlights [those] states that might need to consider implementing more truck-safe road systems for drivers. “According to the NHTSA, there have been 4,842 large trucks involved in fatal crashes in the past year, so this study could alert truck drivers to prepare better when journeying in these particular states.”

ICSA urges its members to operate with heightened awareness regardless of the states where you’re traveling. Slow down, leave at least a four-second following distance between your truck and the vehicle in front of you, wear your seat belt and don’t drive distracted! Stay safe out there!