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EPA Adopts Strict New Truck Emission Standards

11 April 2024

Beginning with model year 2027 and extending through 2032, new greenhouse gas (GHG) emission targets are set for all types of new medium- and heavy-duty engines and vehicles.

Federal Highway Administration Loses Climate Change Rule

11 April 2024

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was fighting a court challenge to its proposed rule that would have required state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations to establish their own emissions rules – as if there aren’t enough federal and state agencies seeking authority over truck and automobile pollution.

We Give Up!

28 March 2024

California Delays Part of CTC Program Again

Coaching Corner: Tried and True Safe Driving Tips

22 February 2024

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), even the most well-trained, safety-conscious commercial  truck driver engages in driving behaviors that could lead to a crash on today’s crowded highways.

New Jersey Says Truckers Must Carry More Insurance

21 February 2024

After being held up for most of a year, the New Jersey Legislature has passed a law requiring operators of heavy trucks to carry a minimum $1.5 million in liability insurance, which is double the current federal minimum insurance requirement of $750,000.