News and Industry Information

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Fault vs Preventability

14 February 2022

In the transportation industry we often hear terms such as “who is at fault” and “preventable crashes” used interchangeably. In fact, the two terms are often confused.

DRIVERS BEWARE: You May Be Criminally Liable in a Crash

18 January 2022

If you’ve been in trucking for a few years, you are probably well aware that prosecutors and juries are becoming more punitive and imposing lengthy prison sentences on drivers convicted of negligent homicide in truck crashes. In some cases, judges and juries want to make the guilty driver a public example. In other cases, states’ mandatory sentencing guidelines leave them no choice. The highly publicized case of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos is one example.

How Can Filing a DataQ Benefit You?

18 January 2022

“Driver, park in the lot and an inspector will be right out.” So begins the random North American Safety (NAS) Inspection process. An hour or so later the inspection is complete and then what? If a violation is found, the driver and the carrier have options. If a carrier wants to contest a violation, it is important to understand the benefits and perils of the DataQ process, or Request for Data Review (RDR), for challenging violations.

Get TAT-Trained, Get a Hat and More!

17 January 2022

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness month. ICSA members who get trained and certified by Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) by the end of January will receive a spiffy new ICSA hat and be entered into a drawing for a $500 gift card.

Inspectors Now Enforcing UCR

17 January 2022

Effective January 1, roadside enforcement personnel began checking for compliance with the federal Unified Carrier Registration, or UCR. UCR applies to all motor carriers involved in interstate commerce, along with other businesses such as freight brokers.

Are You Ready for Rain?

17 January 2022

While many areas of our country are experiencing record cold and snow, rain is a bigger problem not just now but year-round. Rain is a contributing factor to thousands of crashes every year.

Set Your Own SmartDrive Alerts!

17 January 2022

At ICSA we are constantly looking for ways to improve safety and make your safety management job easier and more effective. Thus, we are pleased to announce a change in the way you receive alerts from your SmartDrive cameras.

FMCSA Extends Emergency Relief from HOS

17 December 2021

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 national emergency, FMCSA has again extended Emergency Declaration 2020-002 until February 28, 2022.

Employee Drivers/Owner-Operators Have Different Motivations

17 December 2021

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) recently released its analysis of the survey results. ATRI’s Research Advisory Committee prioritized this analysis to better understand the role of OO/Independent Contractors in the trucking industry, and how legislative attempts to reclassify OO/IC as Company Drivers would impact those individuals and supply chains in general.